Assistive Devices Program (ADP)

The Halton Hearing Centre is a registered vendor with the Assistive Devices Program (ADP), a program administered by the Ministry of Health, which provides a government grant towards part of the cost of hearing aids.

Ontario residents with hearing loss qualify for financial assistance as long as he/she has a valid OHIP card, and has not accessed the grant in 5 years. As of May 1, 2015, the designated funding period for hearing aids has changed from every 3 years to every 5 years. Click here to learn more about these changes.

ADP will contribute up to a maximum of $500 per hearing aid, and up to a maximum of $1000 for two hearing aids. The Assistive Devices Program will also provide a grant of up to a maximum of $1350 towards the cost of an FM system.

Medicard (Financing Option)

Medicard is available to you because the Halton Hearing Centre cares about making hearing aids affordable.
Halton Hearing Centre is a registered provider with Medicard.Medicard_logo

Medicard’s financing programs ensure that you don’t delay the purchase of hearing aids due to cost concerns by offering you a variety of financing terms with convenient monthly payments. The fixed monthly payment plan offers terms from 6 months to 5 years.

Medicard’s professional and experienced staff are committed to helping patients obtain financing for the medical treatments they want. Call Medicard at 1-888-689-9876, or visit the Medicard Website  to print an application form, or to apply online.

Private Insurance Coverage

You may also be eligible for hearing aid coverage through your private or individual health benefit plan (Greenshield, Manulife, Sunlife, etc…).

Many of our patients are current or former Ford Motor Company employees and their spouses.  If you would like more information on the complete coverage/benefits available for hearing aids for Unifor 707 Members with Green Shield Insurance, Click here.

Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) and the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB)

The Halton Hearing Centre is a registered hearing aid provider for Veterans Affairs Canada and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board.

Individuals may qualify for hearing aid coverage if they have provided service as members of the Canadian Forces, Merchant Navy or the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Individuals may also qualify for hearing aid coverage if they have shown that they have suffered hearing loss as a result of long-term exposure to high-level occupational (ie. work-related) noise. The Halton Hearing Centre will guide you through the process of initiating a claim for noise-induced hearing loss with the WSIB.